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The March of Medicine: The Emergence and Triumph of Modern Science
by H. S. Glasscheib
G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1963, 360pp, HC
[Europe, 13-16C; also Europe, America, 17-20C]
- The Black Death
- The Grey, Creeping Death
- The White Death
- Pandora's Box
- The Teething Pangs of Midwifery
- From the Torture Chamber to the Operating Theatre
- Ether Anæsthesia
- The Four Juices
- The Magnetic Fluid
- Homeopathy
- The Medical Shows
- Operation Longevity
- Theatrum Anatomicum
- Tapping and Listening
- The X-rays of Professor Röntgen
- The Psycho-analysis of Professor Freud
- The Plague in Florence
- At night in Florence the dead were laid outside
- A bath for the gentry
- Robert Koch at work with his microscope
- The tubercle bacillus as Robert Koch saw it
- The Duc de Reichstadt, Napoleon's son
- The birth
- Unrealistic portrayal of the child in the womb
- The birth of Caesar
- Prehistorc Skulls from Peru
- Dominique Jean Larrey (1766-1842)
- Joseph Lister, taken in 1896
- The inhaler invented by Morton
- The first public demonstration of anaesthesia
- A lady of quality is bled
- "A backside publican", shouldering his instrument
- Frederick the Great being bled during a battle
- Franz Anton Mesmer
- Animal magnetism
- Samuel Hahnemann
- The quack
- The magnetiser
- Cagliostro giving a consultation
- Zeileis, the miracle healer from Gallspach
- The moated castle in which Zeileis practised
- Bernadette Soubirous from Lourdes
- Dissection in the 14th century
- Andreas Vesalius steals a skeleton from the gallows
- Pieter Paauw (1564-1617) giving an anatomy lesson at Leyden
- Vesalius dissecting at home by night
- The Anatomical Institute at Halle an der Saale showing skeleton and skulls
- The anatomist Frederico Ruysche dissecting a baby
- Leopold Auenbrugger, the discoverer of sounding
- Laennec listening to the chest of a tubercular patient
- Röntgen working in his laboratory
- One of the first X-ray pictures
- A composite photograph of skeleton taken with X-rays
- The hand of the anatomist Kolliker taken by X-rays
- Charcot lecturing
- Freud at the age of 66